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About AUSU

The Algoma University Students’ Union (AUSU) is a not-for-profit organization committed to ensuring that students’ university experience is fulfilling and enjoyable. AUSU exists to advocate for students, provide student representation, and provide a variety of services to build a stronger Algoma University community. AUSU is an organization run by students for students, and works to ensure that students’ voices are recognized.

As a student of Algoma University, you are a general member of the Algoma University Students’ Union. AUSU a member of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). AUSU represents all students at Algoma University at bi-annual CFS conferences. Representing over 500,000 members, CFS is the largest Student Union in the country and is the lobbying organization that fights for post-secondary student issues, provincially and federally.

Algoma U Main Campus Building

What We Do

At AUSU is responsible for providing a voice to students, organizing and funding events on campus, including Orientation Month (jointly planned with Student Services), Frost Week, pub nights, and other fun activities. AUSU also provides student representation on most of the Algoma U bodies and committees, including the Board of Governors, Senate, and numerous Senate committees, including Academic Planning, Appeals, Curriculum, Student Services and Ethics.

AUSU services include the Student Health and Dental Plan, the Universal Bus Pass in SSM, a mental health and wellness app for students called I.M.Well, ISIC student discount cards, The Sentient (Algoma University’s student newspaper), the Students Helping Students Bursary, Algoma University Food Bank, campus events and campaigns, campus clubs recognition and funding, and the student handbook.

The Sentient

The Sentient is our school newspaper that covers sections such as opinion pieces, community news, sports, editorials and fashion. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the Algoma University community! Stand up, write it out and let your voice be heard.

AUSU Newsletter

Stay up to date with the latest news with the AUSU Newsletter.

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What’s Happening

Here at AlgomaU there are so many opportunities to get involved from attending events, to joining a club or even volunteering!

Peoples Garden