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AUSU Pride Center

Pride Month

The Algoma University Students’ Union Pride Centre, the Pride of Algoma, is a safer space for Queer and Trans folks that provides resources, events, and advocacy for the sexual and gender diverse community. The Pride Centre aims to challenge systems of oppression, particularly those that marginalize members of the 2SLGTBQIPA+ community, and recognizes that there are many systems of intersectionality that must be addressed to challenge those systems. 

The Pride of Algoma was developed in 2018 through a joint social work placement position between Algoma University and AUSU. True to the spirit of the Queer and Trans community, the Pride Centre embodies a spirit of resistance and revolution, and fought with tenacity to secure its original location, which was little more than a closet. In 2022, the Pride Centre “came out of the closet” and moved down the hall to a larger space that allows for small social gatherings,visibility, and expanded programming. 

Service offerings of the Pride Centre include: print and virtual resource library, advocacy campaigns, social programming, peer groups, educational workshops, gender affirming resources, referrals, and more! The Pride Centre team welcomes ideas and concepts for new service developments and works directly with students to create additional offerings. 

The Pride Centre team works closely with the Queer and Trans working group of the Algoma University Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, and is proud to partner with other community changemakers. Some of this change includes the long-outstanding implementation of a campus name change policy, calls to action for mandatory Queer and Trans education for all employees, and the development of relationships with community providers such as the Two Spirit Organizing Committee of Bawating (2SOC) and PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). 

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