
Here at AUSU there are so many opportunities to get involved! From attending events, to joining a club or even volunteering! Become a part of something exciting and get co-curricular credit and on the job skills!

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is run by a small team of staff, including a coordinator and support staff positions. Typically, the Food Pantry would be seeking volunteers to help with day to day operations, such as gathering and organizing donations, assisting students with appointments, and helping with food security projects. 

If you are interested in Volunteering with the Food Pantry, Please contact the Food Pantry Coordinator Preeti, at ausufood.pantry@ausu.algomau.ca

The People's Garden

The People’s Garden supports the AUSU Food Pantry by providing fresh vegetables and herbs during the growing and harvest season on the Sault Ste. Marie campus. In addition to providing food to aid in food security projects, the Garden team hosts workshops, knowledge sharing sessions, and community engagement activities such as Harvest Dinners. The People’s Garden is currently looking for students to help maintain and develop the garden, ensuring that crops are watered, garden beds are weeded, and assisting in promoting the garden operations to the community. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the People’s Garden Coordinator, Henna, at peoplesgarden@ausu.algomau.ca!

The Sentient

The Sentient is the student newspaper at Algoma University that covers opinion pieces, community news, politics, editorials, and many other topics. Assisting with the newspaper will allow you to gain valuable experience in journalism and media studies and is an excellent opportunity to get involved in the Algoma University community! Now, more than ever, there is a need for meaningful discussions to be taking place, and Algoma U students can be a part of getting those discussions started or continuing ongoing ones.

Those interested in submitting pieces should email sentient@ausu.algomau.ca


Our team at the Algoma University Radio (AURA) is so excited to bring to you new and engaging content this upcoming year. To access the AURA, search The AURA Pod on YouTube / Spotify / Apple podcasts and you will find our radio station and its entire collection of episodes. We have also made the transition to recording our show live so that you can be even more involved with the program both through audio and video. 

Thinking you would make a great host? Email us at auradio@ausu.algomau.ca about how you can help run AURA! We are always looking for more volunteers, artists, student music, topics, people to interview and we are now looking for other hosts for our show or perhaps you can start your own! If you are interested in joining the AURA team please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are your music, your voice and your AURA, proudly bringing you the matters that matter to you!

The Thunderbird Street Team

The Thunderbird Street Team will support Algoma University’s student engagement efforts by promoting events to the student body. The members of the Thunderbird Street Team will be composed of students from different academic programs, student clubs, and social groups to enhance overall engagement. The purpose of the Thunderbird Street Team is to keep students involved in social activities outside of the classroom, enhance motivation to produce higher-level critical thinking skills, and promote a more meaningful student experience at Algoma University.


https://forms.gle/pwY5KGJS5XEcSpqr5Other Ways to Get Involved!

We here at AUSU have many opportunities
to get involved from elected positions, volunteer positions,
paid work and research placement opportunities! 
Those interested in joining should fill out this form or email ausu@ausu82.ca